Nyob Zoo, and Welcome to Grace Hmong Alliance Church's website

Zoo sab togtxais koj tuaj rua peb lub vaagsaab nuav. Taamsim nuav peb taabtom khu peb lub vaagsaab, tejzag yuav muaj tej yaam tsi yoojyim rua suavdlawg. Dluale, nyob huv peb lub vaagsaab nuav, peb yuav sau ua lug Moob hab lug Amelikas sistxuam uake. Yog le caw koj tshawb moog kuas thoob tej kws peb tso huv nuav, casab tas yuav muaj tej yaam paab tau koj hab. Yog muaj tej yaam lug nug dlaabtsi los xob ua sab dleb, hu rua peb lossis sau ntawv rua peb lawv le tug email kws tso rua huv nuav.

Hello and Welcome. We’re so glad you stopped by today! As you can see, we’re quite a big family here at Grace Hmong Alliance Church but don’t be intimidated. Given that we have many visitors from all over the world most of whom are hmong, we also utilize what we call "Hmonglish" - (Hmong and English) quite extensively here. Regardless of this, we invite you to browse around and maybe even join us every Sunday for Worship as we study God's Word. If you have any questions or prayer requests, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Grace Hmong Alliance Families
Alliance Youth10:15-12:00pm
Alliance Men9:00-10:00am
Alliance Women9:00-10:00pm
Worship Service10:00-12:00pm
More info

Do you have a Prayer Request? Submit your Prayer Request online and we will help pray for you and your family.

"HKM Karaoke Hymn" yog HKM Phoo Nkauj 2012 (Phoo Tshab) kws yog muab kaw ua Karaoke (Suab nrug ntsablug) tso rua huv YouTube lawm. Yog leejtwg xaav siv los moog rua huv YouTube "GHAChurch Yexus". Taamsim nuav tseem yuav tso quaszug moog txug thaus ua tav. Yimmeem siv ib zaaj zujzug moog lawv le txhua nub kws ua tau.